Remote Komputer Jarak Jauh

Penggunaan internet saat ini tentu sudah banyak sekali. Mulai dari penggunaan social media hingga bermain blog, dan lain sebagainya. Namun ada kegunaan internet yang lain yaitu bagaimana kita bisa melakukan remote atau kendali PC atau komputer kita dari jarak jauh. saya disini akan coba berikan tips bagaimana cara me-remote komputer dari jarak jauh menggunakan TeamViewer. Semakin hari kemajuan teknologi semakin memudahkan kita dalam melakukan segala aktifitas. Salah satunya software atau aplikasi TeamViewer yang merupakan buatan lokal. Me-remote komputer dari jarak jauh dengan TeamViewer ini sangat mudah digunakan.

Aplikasi atau software TeamViewer ini buatan Indonesia namun sudah cukup populer diseluruh dunia karena memang kegunaannya. Ada dua versi dari apliasi TeamViewer ini, yang berbayar maupun yang gratis. Disini saya pun mencoba TeamViewer yang versi gratisan saja. Dengan yang gratisan sudah lebih dari cukup untuk kontrol atau kendalikan komputer yang ada di tempat lain. Buat yang mobilitas tinggi, penggunaan aplikasi TeamViewer ini cocok sekali karena dengan mudah bisa me-remote komputer dari jarak jauh…read more ILMU TI dot COM

Menemukan DNS Server untuk Menambah Kecepatan Koneksi Internet

Bagi yang belum tahu, penjelasan singkatnya DNS atau DNS server adalah server yang bertugas menerjemahkan nama domain ke alamat IP (IP address)sebelum ditelusuri lebih lanjut.

Jadi, cara singkat kerjanya, komputer kita berkomunikasi dengan internet menggunakan alamat IP, jadi ketika kita mengetikkan misalnya, komputer kita akan menanyakan ke DNS , apa alamat IP dari, kemudian setelah dibalas oleh DNS server dengan alamat IP yang bersangkutan, komputer akan mencari alamat tersebut melalui ISP (Internet Service Provide) kita seperti speedy, fastnet dan sebagainya…read more ILMU TI dot COM

Doctor Hardisk-HD Tune Hardisk Utility

Hardisk merupakan komponen yang harus mendapat perhatian lebih pada sistem komputer. Baik atau buruknya kinerja hardisk akan sangat mempengaruhi performance komputer secara keseluruhan.  Dalam artikel ini saya akan men-share tentang cara memeriksa kondisi hardisk komputer menggunakan aplikasi HD Tune Hardisk Utility.  Aplikasi HD Tune dapat Anda download dari situsnya di

Pada aplikasi HD Tune ini terdapat 4 menu utama yang dapat kita gunakan untuk memeriksa kondisi hardisk, yaitu:

1.            Benchmark,  digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja hardisk

2.            Info,  menampilkan informasi lebih detail dari hardisk

3.            Health,  memeriksa status kesehatan hardisk dengan memanfaatkan fitur SMART

4.            Error Scan,   memeriksa ada tidaknya error atau bad sector dengan malakukan scan disk….. read more ILMU TI dot COM

Quiz Meeting 9

Quiz : Reading Comprehension

1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
A.Precipitation C. New York State
B. Snowfall          D. A general formula

2. Which of the following is another word that is often used in place of precipitation?
A. Humidity B. Wetness C. Rainfall D. Rain-snow

3. The term precipitation include
A. only rainfall                 C. rain, snow, and humidity
B. rain, hail, and snow  D. rain, hail, and humiditi

4. What is the average of annual rainfall in inches in the United States?
A. Thirty-six inches      C. Forty inches
B. Thirty-eight inches  D. Forty-two inches

5. If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?
A. By two feet        C. By four feet
B. By four inches  D. By 40 inches

6. If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?
A. By two feet C. By four feet
B. By four inches D. By 40 inches

7. The phrase proximity to in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. communication with C. nearness to
B. dependence on             D. similarity to

8. Where is the annual precipitation highest?
A. The Atlantic Coast  C. The Gulf of Mexico
B. The Great Lakes        D. The Pacific Coast

8. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a factor in determining the amount of precipitation that an area will receive?
A. Mountains B. Latitude C. The sea D. Wind

9. The word substantially in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
A. fundamentally C. completely
B. slightly                D. Apparently

10. The word that in the paragraph 2 refers to
A. Decreases C. areas
B. precipitation D. mountain ranges

few non (count)
Few reference books may be check out
little non (noncount)
Before he came to the U.S., he had done little traveling

Incorrect: My brother used to help me a lot,but now he gives me few advice.
Correct : My brother used to help me a lot, but now he gives me little advice.
Incorrect: He had to balance his account very carefully because he had few
Correct : He had to balance his account very carefully because he had little money.
Problem 68 Much and Many

many noun (count–plural
There are many television programs for children on Saturday

much noun (noncount)
We don’t have much information

Incorrect: How much years have you been living in Texas?
Correct : How many years have you been living in Texas?

Incorrect: He always has much problems with his teeth.
Correct : He always has many problems with his teeth.

Incorrect: I think that there is too many violence on TV.
Correct : I think that there is too much violence on TV.

Problem 69 A Little and Little
A Few and Few
a little
little noun (noncount)
We have a little time
We have little time

a few
few noun (count–plural)
We made a few mistakes
We made few mistakes

Incorrect: There are few tickets left for the concert.
Correct : There are a few tickets left for the concert.

Incorrect: A few people in my apartment building are friendly.
Correct : Few people in my apartment building are friendly.(not many)

Problem 70 Only a Few and Only a Little

only a few noun (count–plural)
Only a few dollars have been budgeted for supplies

Only a little noun (noncount)
We have only a little homework for Monday

Incorrect: We will need only a few food for the picnic.
Correct : We will need only few food_for the picnic.

Incorrect: Only few people were at the reception
Correct : only a few people were at the reception.

Problem 71 : A Large (Small) Number of and a large (Small) Amount of

A number of
small noun (count–plural)
A large number of students from other countries attend State University

A amount of
small noun (noncount)
A small amount of rain is expected tomorrow

Incorrect: The lab has a large number of equipment.
Correct : The lab has a large amount of equipment.

Problem 72 Almost All of the and Most of the

almost all (of the)
most all (of the) noun (count–plural) verb (plural)
Almost all (of the) trees in our yard are oaks
Most (of the) trees are oaks
almost all (of the)
most all (of the) noun (noncount) verb (singular)
Almost all (of the) art by R. C. Gorman is expensive
Most (of the) art by R. C. Gorman is expensive

incorrect: Most of the teachers at State University care about their students’
Correct : Almost of the teachers at State University care about their students’
Almost all teachers at State University care about their students’ progress.
Most of the teachers at State University care about their students’ progress.

Most teachers at State University care about their students’ progress.

Quiz Meeting 13

Reading Comprehension

1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

A.The reasons why the Wright brothers succeeded in manned flight.
B. The advantage of the internal combustion engine in the Wright brothers’
C. The Wright brothers’ experience as pilots.
D. The importance of gliders to the development of airplanes.

2. The word cited in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

A. disregarded
B. mentioned
C. considered
D. proven

3. The word incessantly in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?

A. confidently
B. intelligently
C. constantly
D. optimistically

4. What kind of experience did the Wright brothers have that distinguished them from their competitor?

A. They were geniuses.
B. They were gilder pilots.
C. They were engineers.
D. They were inventors.

5. Why does the author suggest that the experiments with the wind tunnel were important?

A.Because they allowed the Wright brothers to decrease the weight of their airplane to acceptable limits
B Because they resulted in a three-axis control for their airplane
C. Because they were important in the refinement of the wings for their airplane
D. Because they used the data to improve the engine for their airplane

6. The word they in the paragraph 3 refers to

A. the Wright brothers
B. aircraft
C. engines
D. attempts
7. The word doomed in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to

A. destined to fail
B. difficult to achieve
C. taking a risk
D. not well planned

8. In paragraph 4, the author suggests that the steam engines used in earlier aircraft had failed because

A. They were too small to power a large plane.
B. They were too light to generate enough power.
C. They did not have internal combustion power.
D. They did not have enough power to lift their own weight.

9. The passage discusses all of the following reasons that the Wright brothers succeeded EXCEPT

A. They worked very well together.
B. They both had practical experience building other aircraft.
C. They made extensive tests before they completed the design.
D. They were well funded.

Quiz Meeting 12

Reading Comprehension

1. Which of the following is the main point of the passage?
A. They were both laboratory and literary alchemists.
B. Base metals can be transmuted to gold by blending them with a
substance more perfect than gold .
C. Roger Bacon and St. Albertus Magnus wrote about alchemy
D. Alchemy was the predecessor of modern chemistry.

2. The word authentic in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
A. valuable
B. genuine
C. complete
D. comprehensible

3. According to the alchemists, what is the difference between base metals and gold?
A. Perfection
B. Chemical content
C. Temperature
D. Weight

4. According to the passage, what is the “philosopher’s stone”?
A. Lead that was mixed with gold
B. An element that was never found
C. Another name for alchemy
D. A base metal

5. The word crypticin paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?
B. secret
C. foreign
D. Precise

6. Why did the early alchemists use the ternssun and moon?
A. To keep the work secret
B. To make the work more literary
C. To attract philosophers
D. To produce a written record

7. Who were the first alchemists?
B. Writer
C. Artisans
D. Linguists

8. In paragraph 3, the author suggests that we know about the history of alchemy because
A. the laboratory alchemists kept secret notes
B. the literary alchemists recorded it in writing
C. the mystical philosophers were not able to hide the secret of alchemy
D. the historians were able to interpret the secret writings of the alchemists

9. Which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?
A. Alchemy must be considered a complete failure.
B. Some very important scientific discoveries were made by alchemists.
C. Most educated people dismissed alchemy during the time that it was
D. The literary alchemists were more important than the laboratory alchemists.



Problem 85 Adjective with Verbs of the Senses
feel; look; smell; sound; taste
S V (senses) adjective
I felt bad about the mistake

Incorrect: Too meal tasted well.
Correct : Too meal tasted good.

Incorrect: The music sounds sweetly and soothing.
Correct : he music sounds sweet and soothing.

Incorrect: When he complained that the food tasted badly, the waiter took it back to the kitchen and brought him something else.
Correct : When he complained that the food tasted bad, the waiter took it back to the kitchen and brought him something else.

Problem 86 Exact Similarity–the Same as and the Same noun the same as noun
This coat is the same as that one
noun noun the same
This coat and that one are the same
noun (plural) the same
These coats are the same

Incorrect: Is your book the same to mine?
Correct :Is your book the same as mine? or
Are your book and mine the same?

Incorrect: Are this picture and the one on your desk same?
Correct :Are this picture and the one on your desk the same?
Is this picture the same as the one on your desk?
Incorrect: The teacher gave Martha a failing grade on her composition because it was the same a composition he had already read.
Correct : The teacher gave Martha a failing grade on her composition because it was the same as a composition he had already read.
Correct : The teacher gave Martha a failing grade on her composition because it
and a composition he had already read were the same.

Problem 87 General Similarity–Similar to and Similar

noun similar to noun
This coat is similar to that one
noun noun similar
This coat and that one are similar
noun (plural) similar
These coats are similar

Incorrect: Cliff’s glasses are similar like yours, but his cost a lot less.
Correct : Cliff’s glasses are similar to yours, but his cost a lot less.
Cliff’s glasses and yours are similar, but his cost a lot less.
Incorrect: That joke is similar as a joke that I heard.
Correct : That joke is similar to a joke that I heard.
That joke and a joke that I heard are similar.
Incorrect: All of the other departments are similar this one.
Correct : All of the other departments are similar to this one.
All of the other departments and this one are similar.

Problem 88 General Similarity–Like and Alike

noun like noun
This coat is like that one
noun noun alike
This coat and that one are alike
noun (plural) alike
These coats are alike

Incorrect: Your recipe for chicken is like to a recipe that my mother has.
Correct: Your recipe for chicken is like a recipe that my mother has. or
Your recipe for chicken and a recipe that my mother has are alike.
Incorrect: I want to buy some shoes same like the ones I have on.
Correct : I want to buy some shoes like the ones I have on.
The shoes I want to buy and the shoes I have on are alike.

Incorrect: Anthony and his brother don’t look like.
Correct : Anthony doesn’t look like his brother.
Anthony and his brother don’t look alike.
Problem 89 Specific Similarity–Quality Nouns

noun V the same noun (qualiquality) as noun
She is the same age as John

Incorrect: The gold chain that Edith saw is same weight as yours.
Correct : The gold chain that Edith saw is the same weight as yours.

Incorrect: Please cut my hair the same length like the style in this magazine.
Correct : Lease cut my hair the same length as the style in this magazine.

Incorrect: Is this thread the same color the cloth?
Correct : Is this thread the same color as the cloth?

Problem 90 Specific Similarity–Quality Adjectives

noun V as adjective (quality) as noun
She is as old as John

Incorrect: He is not as tall like his brother.
Correct : He is not as tall as his brother.

Incorrect: The meat at the supermarket is not as expensive than the meat at a
butcher shop.
Correct : The meat at the supermarket is not as expensive as the meat at a
butcher shop.

Incorrect: College Station is not as big Austin.
Correct : College Station is not as big as Austin.
Problem 91 General Difference –Different from and Different

noun different from noun
This coat is different from that one
noun noun different This coat and that one are different
noun (plural) different
These coats are different

Incorrect: Long distance telephone rates for daytime hours are different than
rates for nighttime hours.
Correct :Long distance telephone rates for daytime hours are different from rates for nighttime hours.
Long distance telephone rates for daytime hours and rates for nighttime hours are different.

Incorrect: A nursery school is different a day care center.
Correct :A nursery school is different from a day care center
A nursery school and a day care center are different.

Incorrect: The tour packages that we offer are different than most tours.
Correct :The tour packages that we offer are different from most tours. or
The tour packages that we offer and most tours are different.

Problem 92 General Difference –to Differ from

This one differs from the rest

Incorrect: The campus at State University different from that of City College.
Correct :The campus at State University differs from that of City College. Or
The campus at State University differs from that of City College.

Incorrect: Jayne’s apartment is very differs from Bill’s even though they are
in the same building. Correct :Jayne’s apartment is very different from Bill’s even though they
are in the same building.
Jayne’s apartment differs from Bill’s even though they are in the
same building.

Incorrect: Customs differ one region of the country to another.
Correct :Customs differ from one region of the country to another.
Customs are different from one region of the country to another.


Quiz Meeting 14


1. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?

A. Banking
B. The Federal Reserve System
C. The Board of Governors
D. Monetary Policies

2. The word overseeing in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

A. supervising C. financing
B. maintaining D. stimulating

3. The word confirmed in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by

A. modified     C. examined
B. considered D. approved

4. According to the passage, the principal responsibility of the Federal Reserve System is

A. to borrow money
B. to regulate monetary policies
C. to print government securities
D. to appoint the Board of Governors

5. The word securities in the paragraph 2 is intended to mean

A. debs B. bonds C. protection D. confidence

6. What happen when the Federal Reserve provides too little money?

A. Demand for loans increases.
B. Unemployment slows down.
C. Interest rates go up
D. Business expand

7. In paragraph 2, the author suggests that inflation is caused by

A. high unemployment rates
B. too much money in the economy
C. very high fuel prices
D. a limited supply of goods

8. What does the author mean by the statement However, in practice, the Federal Reserve does not stray from the financial policies established by the executive branch of the government?

A. The Fed more powerful than the executive branch of the government.
B. The policies of the Fed and of the executive branch of the government are
not the same.
C. The Fed tends to follow the policies of the executive branch of the

D. The Fed reports to the executive branch of the government.

9. All of the following statements could be included in summary of the passage EXCEPT:

A. TheFederal Reserve is an independent agency of the United States
B. The Federal Reserve controls the flow of money and credit by buying and
selling government securities.
C. The Federal Reserve issues new coins and currency to banks.
D. The Federal Reserve receives its yearly budget from Congress.

Quiz Meeting 11

Quiz :Reading Comprehension

1. According to this passage, what is another name for organic architecture?
A. Natural architecture
B. Aesthetic architecture
C. Principle architecture
D. Varied architecture

2. The word ultimately in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
A. formulate
B. eventually
C. supposedly
D. Obviously

3. The word upheld paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
B. disputed
C. promoted
D. perceived

4. The following examples are all representative of natural architecture EXCEPT
A. a bank that is built to look like a Greek temple
B. a bank built so that the location is important to the structure
C. a bank that is built to conform to the colors of the natural surroundings
D. a bank that is built to be functional rather than beautiful

5. Why does the author compare an organic architect to a sculptor?
A. To emphasize aesthetics
B. To give an example of natural principles
C. To make a point about the development of geometry
D. To demonstrate the importance of style

6.The word obscured paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

A. difficult to see
B. in high demand
C. not very attractive
D. mutually beneficial

7.With which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?

A. Form follows function
B. Function follows form
C. Function is not important to form
D. Form and function are one

8.Which of the following statements best describes the architect’s view of nature?

A. Nature should be conquered.
B. Nature should not be considered.
C. Nature should be respected.
D. Nature should be improved.
Continue reading

Quiz Meeting 10

Quiz: Reading Comprehension





1.             With which of the following topics in the passage primarily concerned?

            A.  The Black Acacia

            B.  Characteristic and varieties of the Acacia

            C.  Australian varieties of the Acacia

            D.  The use of Acacia wood in ornamental furniture

2.             How many species of Acacia grow well in the southern United States?

            A.  Five hundred                     C.  Twelve

            B.  Three hundred                   D.  Three

3.             The word thrive paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

            A.  grow well                           C.  were planted

            B.  are found                           D.  can live

             The word these in paragraph 2 refers to?

            A.  United States                    C.  species

            B.  varieties                             D.  trees and shrubs

4.             According to this passage, the Silver Wattle ?

   squat and bushy

            B.  has unobtrusive blossoms.

            C.  is taller than the Bailey Acacia

            D.  is used for making furniture

5.             In paragraph 2, the word flat most nearly means ?

            A.  smooth      B.  pretty         C.  pointed      D.  Short

             The word showy in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ?

             strange     B.  elaborate    C.  Huge          D.  Fragile

 6.            Which of the following Acacias has the least colorful blossoms?

            A.  Bailey Acacia                                C.  Silver Wattle

            B.  Sidney Golden Wattle                    D. Black Acacia



7.             Which of the following would most probably be made from a Black Acacia tree?

A.  A flower arrangement

B.  A table      

C.  A pie

D.  Paper

8.            When do Acacia trees bloom in Australia?

A.  February                B.  Summer

C.  August                   D.  Spring
Continue reading

menjawab soal-soal latihan pilihan ganda via email ke dosen

1.  Keadilan distributif berarti memberikan kepada tiap orang :
a.   Hak menurut hukum
b.  Hak menurut jasa masing-masing
c.  Hak yang tidak sama
d.  Hak yang sama
e.  Hak demokrasi

2.  Bentuk dan kedaulatan Negara diatur dalam Pasal berapa di UUD 1945.
a.  Pasal 1 ayat 1 UUD 1945.
b.  Pasal 1 ayat 2 UUD 1945.
c.  Pasal 1 ayat 3 UUD 1945.
d.  Semua benar
e.  Semua salah

3.  Untuk menyelamatkan negara dari pengaruh komunis dan G.30 S / PKI, maka MPRS menetapkan bahwa PKI beserta ajaran-ajarn dan org  anisasi di bawah naungannya merupakan organisai dan partai terlarang. Ketetapan ini ditetapkan pada TAP MPRS nomor:
a.   XXI /MPRS/1966
b.  XX /MPRS/1966
c.  XXV /MPRS/1966
d.  XXV /MPR/1968
e.   XXV/MPRS/1968

4.  Kepentingan Nasional utama yang tergaris dalam pembukaan UUD 1945, yaitu:
a.  Yang menyangkut hal-hal kesejahteraan, keamanan dan hubungan Internasional.
b.  Menyangkut hal-hal kesejahteraan, keamanan dan hubungan nasional.
c.  Menyangkut hubungan nasional dan kekuatan sosial.
d. Yang menyangkut cita-cita perorangan (individu).
e. Menyangkut suatu proses hubungan antara lembaga-lembaga negara.

5.  Melaksanakan peraturan perundang-undangan bernafaskan Pancasila berarti:
a.   Mengamalkan Pancasila secara subyektif.
b.  Mengamalkan Pancasila secara teoritis.
c.  Mengamalkan Pancasila secara obyektif.
d.  Mengamalkan Pancasila secara praktis.
e.  Mengamalkan Pancasila secara sekularisme.

6.  Yang merupakan ciri khas demokrasi pancasila adalah:
a.  Pemerintah mempunyai kekuasaan yang tidak terbatas.
b.  Memberi arti yang kuat terhadap manusia pribadi.
c.  Pemerintah merupakan kekuasan yang terbatas dan tidak sewenang-wenang
d.  Menekankan kepada keselarasan, keseimbangan dan keserasian antara individu dan masyarakat.
e.  Pemerintah memberikan arti hidup secara damai

7.  Dasar pertimbangan dikeluarkannya Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959, adalah …….
a.  Membubarkan konstituante
b.  Memberlakukan UUD 1945 sebagai hasil proklamasi
c.  Tumbuhnya demokrasi liberal
d.  Tidak berhasilnya konstituante menetapkan/membuat konstitusi
e.  Meningkatkan stabilitas

8.  Fungsi organisasi kemasyarakatan di Indonesia antara lain sebagai ……….
a. Sarana komunikasi antar anggota dan ormas
b.  Untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan anggota masyarakat secara mutlak
c. Untuk menampung keinginan masyarakat dengan tujuan organisasi
d. Penghubung antar organisasi kemasyarakatan dengan organisasi politik
e. Tempat untuk berdiskusi tentang kepartaian

9.  Presiden menetapkan Peraturan Pemerintah untuk menjalankan UU. tercantum dalam
a.  Pasal 5
b.  Pasal 5 ayat 1
c.  Pasal 5 ayat 2
d.  Pasal 5 ayat 3
e.  Pasal 5 ayat 4

10.  Apabila pemilihan umum di Indonesia dapat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan Pancasila, maka Pancasila telah berfungsi sebagai ……….
a.  dasar berdirinya dan tegaknya negara
b.  dasar kegiatan penyelenggara negara
c.  dasar partisipasi warga negara
d.  dasar dan sumber hukum nasional
e.  dasar pemberian otonomi daerah.

11.  Presiden dan/atau Wakil Ptresiden dapat diberhentikan dalam masa jabatannya oleh MPR atas usul DPR, baik apabila terbukti telah melakukan pelanggaran hukum berupa penghianatan terhadap negara, korupsi, penyuapan, tindak pidanana berat lainnya, atau perbuatan tercela maupun apabila terbukti tidak lagi memnuhi syarat sebagi Presiden dan/ atau Wakil Presien. Hal ini tercantum dalam
a.  Pasal 6
b.  Pasal 6 A
c.  Pasal 7
d.  Pasal 7 A.
e.  Semuanya salah

12.  Semua bentuk kerjasama akan berjalan dengan baik apabila …
a.  adanya peraturan yang mengatur tata cara kerjasama itu
b.  semua pihak mengetahui tugas masing-masing
c.  terdapatnya peraturan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat
d.  adanya kemauan dan keinginan untuk saling membantu
e.  adanya biaya yang dapat digunakan.

13.  Politik luar negeri Indonesia bersifat bebas dan aktif, aktif berarti …
a.  berhak mengadakan hubungan dengan negara sedunia
b.  berusaha menyelesaikan permasalahan regional
c.  memiliki pengaruh di kawasan internasional
d.  ikut berperan menciptakan perdamaian dan keamanan dunia
e.  berhak untuk menyelesaikan persoalan dunia.

14.  Presiden berhak mengajukan rancangan UU kepada DPR, tercantum dalam …
a.  Pasal 5 ayat 1
b.  Pasal 5 ayat 2
c.  Pasal 5 ayat 3
d.  Pasal 5 ayat 4
e.  Pasal 5 ayat 5

15.  Tindak lanjut dari pada usaha melaksanakan Pancasila adalah :
a.  Sebagai ajaran yang perlu dipelajari
b.  Untuk difahami dan dimengerti oleh setiap WNI
c.  Untuk memahami, mengerti secara benar dan menghayati serta mengamalkan di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
d.  Merupakan ilmu yang perlu dikembangkan
e.  Sebagai hak pilih

15.  Presiden tidak dapat membekukan dan/atau membubarkan DPR. Hal ini tercantum dalam
a.  Pasal 7 A
b.  Pasal 7 B
c.  Pasal 7.C
d.  Pasal 7 D
e.  Semuanya salah

16.  Indonesia ialah negara yang berdasarkan atas hukum, berarti :
a.  Negara tidak berdasarkan atas kekuasaan belaka
b.  Negara berdasarkan kekuasaan yang ada
c.  Negara kekuasaan belaka yang dijalankan
d.  Negara menjalankan kekuasaan
e.  Negara menjalan hukumdan hak monopoli

17.  Dalam UUD 1945 adanya suatu pengakuan hak asasi manusia “menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia berdasar”………
a.  Manusia sebagai insan berbudaya.
b.  Manusia sebagai anggota masyarakat.
c.  Hak kodrati manusia Indonesia.
d.  Hak manusia mutlak.
e.  Hak perdidikan

18.  Kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut UUD. Hal ini diatur dalam …
a.  Pasal 1 ayat 1 UUD 1945.
b.  Pasal 1 ayat 2 UUD 1945.
c.  Pasal 1 ayat 3 UUD 1945.
d.  Pasal 1 ayat 4 UUD 1945.
e.  Pasal 1 ayat 5 UUD 1945.

19.  Menurut UUD 1945 Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan merupakan:
a.  Lembaga tinggi negara yang memeriksa keuangan.
b.  Lembaga tinggi yang memeriksa tanggung jawab keuangan negara.
c.  Lembaga negara yang menetapkan APBN.
d.  Lembaga negara yang harus melaporkan ke DPR
e.  Lembaga tinggi negara yang berkuasa.

20.  Dalam bidang pendidikan, pasal 31 UUD 1945 mengandung pernyataan:
a.  Bahwa Setiap warga negara berhak mendapat pendidikan
b.  Bahwa Setiap warga negara wajib mendapat pengajaran
c.  Bahwa Setiap warga negara berhak untuk belajar
d.  Bahwa tiap-tiap warga negara wajib menerima dana sekolah
e.  Bahwa tiap-tiap warga negara berkewajiban mendapat pendidikan

21.  Hubungan antara Pembukaan UUD 1945 dengan Proklamasi kemerdekaan, adalah
a.  Sebagai pernyatan kemerdekaan terperinci
b.  Mengandung cita-cita luhur dariproklamasi kemerdekaan
c.  Merupakan suatu rangkaian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan
d.  Terdapatnya tujuan negara
e.  Semuanya benar

22.  Dalam demokrasi Pancsila setiap musyawarah harus :
a.  Dihadiri oleh seluruh peserta musyawarah selengkapnya
b.  Mendapat persetujuan denan suara terbanyak
c.  Mendapat persetujuan secara bulat oleh seluruh peserta
d.  Dipimpin oleh akal sehat dan penuh rasa tangung jawab
e.  Semuanya salah

23.  Presiden dengan persetujuan DPR menyatakan perang, membuat perdamian dan perjanjian dengan negara lain. Hal ini tercantum dalam
a.  Pasal 11. ayat 1.
b.  Pasal 12. ayat 1.
c.  Pasal 13. ayat 1.
d.  Pasal 14. ayat 1.
e.  Semuanya salah

24.  Tujuan perkuliahan Pancasila di Perguruan Tinggi antara lain sbb., kecuali ………..
a.  Mengenal dan mengerti Pancasila yang benar
b.  Memahami dan menghayati Pancasila
c.  Mengamalkan dan mengamankan Pancasila
d.  Membina rasa kesukuan dan kedaerahan
e.  Mahasiswa dapat mengaktualisasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

24.  Budaya asing yang dapat berakulturasi dengan kebudayaan Indonesia haruslah memenuhi kriteria berikut ini ……….
a.  memajukan peradaban.
b.  meningkatkan kesejahteraan umum.
c.  mampu mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.
d.  meningkatkan kebudayaan tersebut.
e.  meningkatkan stabilitas.

25.  Tindak lanjut dari pada usaha melaksanakan Pancasila adalah :
a.  Sebagai ajaran yang perlu dipelajari.
b.  Untuk difahami dan dimengerti oleh setiap WNI.
c.  Untuk memahami, mengerti secara benar dan menghayati serta mengamalkan di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
d.  Merupakan ilmu yang perlu dikembangkan.
e.  Untuk perjanjian suatu bangsa dengan luhur

26.  Calon Presiden dan Calon Wakil Presiden harus warga negara Indonesdia sejak kelahirannya dan tidak pernah menerima kewarganegaraan lain karena kehendaknya sendiri, tidak pernah menghianati negara, serta mampu secara rohani dan jasmani untuk melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden. Hal ini tercantum dalam ….
a.  Pasal 5 ayat 1
b.  Pasal 5 ayat 2
c.  Pasal 5 ayat 3
d.  Semuanya benar.
e.  Semuanya salah

27.  Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945 dalam tata hukum negara RI merupakan ……….
a.  Norma pertama dari tata hukum yang berlaku di negara RI.
b.  Prinsip-prinsip norma dari segala aktifitas dalam kehidupan bernegara.
c.  Aturan-aturan yang meliputi semua norma yang ada di negara.
d.  Norma dari tingkah laku bagi bangsa Indonesia dalam mencapai kemerdekaan.
e.  Sebagai moral perjuangan dari sumber ketahanan nasional.

28.  Pancasila merupakan pandangan hidup bangsa berarti :
a.  Pancasila sebagai alat pemersatu bangsa
b.  Pancasila sebagai ajaran bangsa
c.  Sebagai konsep dasar kehidupan yang dicita-citakan suatu bangsa
d.  Sebagai tujuan bangsa
e.  Kehidupan yang dicita-citakan suatu bangsa ke depan

29.  Pandangan Pancasila tentang kehidupan manusia dalam masyarakat adalah :
a.  Manusia harus hidup secara teratur
b.  Setiap individu mempunyai kebebasan mutlak
c.  Kehidupan manusia harus berada dalam keserasian, keselarasan & keseimbangan antara pribadi dan masyarakat
d.  Kebebasan berpolitik
e.  Kehidupan manusia harus sesuai dengan aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam kelompok masyarakat

30.  Pembinaan insan pancasila perlu diusahakan berlanjut, usaha tersebut terutama menyangkut bidang:
a.  Pendidikan
b.  Pertahanan keamanan
c.  Peningkatan kemakmuran.
d.  Gotong-royong
e.  Ekonomi

31.  Kedudukan Pancasila dalam pembangunan adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali:
a.  Sebagai nilai pengukur.
b.  Sebagai sumber informasi.
c.  Sebagai petunjuk mendirikan gedung-gedung bertingkat.
d.  Sebagai moral perjuangan dari sumber ketahanan nasional
e.  Sebagai politik dan stratesi bangsa.

32.  Kepentingan nasional utama yang tergaris dalam pembukaan UUD 1945, yaitu:
a.  Yang menyangkut hal-hal kesejahteraan, keamanan dan hubungan Internasional.
b.  Menyangkut hal-hal kesejahteraan, keamanan dan hubungan nasional.
c.  Menyangkut hubungan nasional dan kekuatan sosial.
d.  Yang menyangkut cita-cita perorangan (individu).
e.  Menyangkut suatu proses hubungan antara lembaga-lembaga negara.

33.  Presiden dan Wakil Presiden dipilih dalm satu pasangan secara langsung oleh rakyat. Hal ini tercantum dalam
a.  Pasal 5 A ayat 1
b.  Pasal 6. A ayat 1
c.  Pasal 7 A ayat 1
d.  Pasal 8 A ayat 1
e.  Semuanya salah

34. Tahun berapakah terjadinya amandemen UUD 1945 yang terakhir kali
a. 1999
b. 2000
c. 2001
d. 2002